Sequence Labelling

Available models

The following DL architectures are supported by DeLFT:

  • BidLSTM_CRF (CRF implementation based on recent tensorflow addons) or BidLSTM_ChainCRF (CRF implementation from previous DeLFT version updated to tensorflow 2) with words and characters input following:
[1] Guillaume Lample, Miguel Ballesteros, Sandeep Subramanian, Kazuya Kawakami, Chris Dyer. "Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition". Proceedings of NAACL 2016.
  • BidLSTM_CRF_FEATURES same as above, with generic feature channel (feature matrix can be provided in the usual CRF++/Wapiti/YamCha format).

  • BidLSTM_CNN with words, characters and custom casing features input, see:

[2] Jason P. C. Chiu, Eric Nichols. "Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs". 2016.
  • BidLSTM_CNN_CRF with words, characters and custom casing features input following:
[3] Xuezhe Ma and Eduard Hovy. "End-to-end Sequence Labelling via Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF". 2016.
  • BidGRU_CRF, similar to:
[4] Matthew E. Peters, Waleed Ammar, Chandra Bhagavatula, Russell Power. "Semi-supervised sequence tagging with bidirectional language models". 2017.  
  • BERT transformer architecture, with fine-tuning, adapted to sequence labeling. Any pre-trained BERT models can be used (e.g. DistilBERT, SciBERT or BioBERT for scientific and medical texts).
[6] Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova, BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding. 2018.
  • BERT_CRF transformer architecture, for fine-tuning and a CRF as final activation layer. Any pre-trained TensorFlow BERT models can be used (e.g. DistilBERT, SciBERT or BioBERT for scientific and medical texts).

  • BERT_CRF_CHAR transformer architecture, for fine-tuning, with a character input channel and a CRF as final activation layer. The character input channel initializes character embeddings, which are then concatenated with BERT embeddings, followed by a bidirectional LSTM prior to the CRF layer. Any pre-trained TensorFlow BERT models can be used.

  • BERT_CRF_FEATURES transformer architecture, for fine-tuning, with a generic feature channel (feature matrix can be provided in the usual CRF++/Wapiti/YamCha format) and a CRF as final activation layer. Any pre-trained TensorFlow BERT models can be used.

  • BERT_CRF_CHAR_FEATURES transformer architecture, for fine-tuning, with a character input channel, a generic feature channel and a CRF as final activation layer. Any pre-trained TensorFlow BERT models can be used.

All RNN models (LSTM/GRU/CNN) can further uses ELMo contextualized embeddings to improve results:

  • ELMo contextualised embeddings, see:
[7] Matthew E. Peters, Mark Neumann, Mohit Iyyer, Matt Gardner, Christopher Clark, Kenton Lee, Luke Zettlemoyer. "Deep contextualized word representations". 2018.

Note that all our annotation data for sequence labelling follows the IOB2 scheme and we did not find any advantages to add alternative labelling scheme after experiments.

Creating your own model

As long your task is a sequence labelling of text, adding a new corpus and create an additional model should be straightfoward. If you want to build a model named toto based on labelled data in one of the supported format (CoNLL, TEI or GROBID CRF), create the subdirectory data/sequenceLabelling/toto and copy your training data under it.

(To be completed)