Snippet classification with DeLFT

As an example, we use here DeLFT for creating classifiers for various snippet types: citation contexts, software mention contexts, dataset sentences, etc.

In general, the best results will be obtained with a transformer classifier (architecture bert), possibly using a costly 10-fold ensemble classifications if speed is not an issue. However, a gru architecture with 10-fold ensemble and good static embeddings might be similar or even more accurate than a transformer in some cases, leading to a much faster and less memory-hungry solution. It is thus advised to experiment with a gru architecture with 10-fold ensemble before deciding with a transformer classifier.

Toxic comment classification

The dataset of the Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification challenge can be found here:

This is a multi-label regression problem, where a Wikipedia comment (or any similar short texts) should be associated to 6 possible types of toxicity (toxic, severe_toxic, obscene, threat, insult, identity_hate).

usage: delft/applications/ [-h] [--fold-count FOLD_COUNT] [--architecture ARCHITECTURE]
                                 [--embedding EMBEDDING] [--transformer TRANSFORMER]

Classification of comments/short texts in toxicity types (toxic, severe_toxic, obscene, threat, insult,
identity_hate) based on DeLFT

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fold-count FOLD_COUNT
  --architecture ARCHITECTURE
                        type of model architecture to be used, one of ['lstm', 'bidLstm_simple', 'cnn',
                        'cnn2', 'cnn3', 'mix1', 'dpcnn', 'conv', 'gru', 'gru_simple', 'lstm_cnn', 'han',
  --embedding EMBEDDING
                        The desired pre-trained word embeddings using their descriptions in the file. For
                        local loading, use delft/resources-registry.json. Be sure to use here the same
                        name as in the registry, e.g. ['glove-840B', 'fasttext-crawl', 'word2vec'] and
                        that the path in the registry to the embedding file is correct on your system.
  --transformer TRANSFORMER
                        The desired pre-trained transformer to be used in the selected architecture. For
                        local loading use, delft/resources-registry.json, and be sure to use here the
                        same name as in the registry, e.g. ['bert-base-cased', 'bert-large-cased',
                        'allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased'] and that the path in the registry to the model
                        path is correct on your system. HuggingFace transformers hub will be used
                        otherwise to fetch the model, see for model names

To launch the training with default BiGRU model:

> python3 delft/applications/ train

To use for instance the BERT architecture, with bert-base-cased as pretrained model, and training data splitting for training and evaluating:

> python3 delft/applications/ train_eval --architecture bert --transformer bert-base-cased

For training with n-folds and default BiGRU model, use the parameter --fold-count:

> python3 delft/applications/ train --fold-count 10

This will train 10 classifiers that will be used then as ensemble classifier.

After training (1 or n-folds), to process the Kaggle test set, use:

> python3 delft/applications/ test

To classify a set of comments:

> python3 delft/applications/ classify

Citation classification

We use the dataset developed and presented by A. Athar in the following article:

Awais Athar. "Sentiment Analysis of Citations using Sentence Structure-Based Features". Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Student Session, 81-87, 2011.

For a given scientific article, the task is to estimate if the occurrence of a bibliographical citation is positive, neutral or negative given its citation context. Note that the dataset, similarly to the Toxic Comment classification, is highly unbalanced (86% of the citations are neutral).

In this example, we formulate the problem as a 3 class regression (negative. neutral, positive). To train the model:

usage: delft/applications/ [-h] [--fold-count FOLD_COUNT] [--architecture ARCHITECTURE]
                             [--embedding EMBEDDING] [--transformer TRANSFORMER]

Sentiment classification of citation contexts based on DeLFT

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fold-count FOLD_COUNT
  --architecture ARCHITECTURE
                        type of model architecture to be used, one of ['lstm', 'bidLstm_simple', 'cnn',
                        'cnn2', 'cnn3', 'mix1', 'dpcnn', 'conv', 'gru', 'gru_simple', 'lstm_cnn', 'han',
  --embedding EMBEDDING
                        The desired pre-trained word embeddings using their descriptions in the file. For
                        local loading, use delft/resources-registry.json. Be sure to use here the same
                        name as in the registry, e.g. ['glove-840B', 'fasttext-crawl', 'word2vec'] and
                        that the path in the registry to the embedding file is correct on your system.
  --transformer TRANSFORMER
                        The desired pre-trained transformer to be used in the selected architecture. For
                        local loading use, delft/resources-registry.json, and be sure to use here the
                        same name as in the registry, e.g. ['bert-base-cased', 'bert-large-cased',
                        'allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased'] and that the path in the registry to the model
                        path is correct on your system. HuggingFace transformers hub will be used
                        otherwise to fetch the model, see for model names


> python3 delft/applications/ train

with n-folds:

> python3 delft/applications/ train --fold-count 10

Training and evalation (ratio) with 10-folds:

> python3 delft/applications/ train_eval --fold-count 10

which should produce the following evaluation, using the default 2-layers Bidirectional GRU model gru):

Evaluation on 896 instances:
                   precision        recall       f-score       support
      negative        0.1494        0.4483        0.2241            29
       neutral        0.9653        0.8058        0.8784           793
      positive        0.3333        0.6622        0.4434            74

Similarly as other scripts, use --architecture to specify an alternative DL architecture, for instance SciBERT:

> python3 delft/applications/ train_eval --architecture bert --transformer allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased

Evaluation on 896 instances:
                   precision        recall       f-score       support
      negative        0.1712        0.6552        0.2714            29
       neutral        0.9740        0.8020        0.8797           793
      positive        0.4015        0.7162        0.5146            74

Using a ten-folds SciBERT ensemble classifiers:

> python3 delft/applications/ train_eval --architecture bert --transformer allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased --fold-count 10
Evaluation on 896 instances:
                   precision        recall       f-score       support
      negative        0.3023        0.4483        0.3611            29
       neutral        0.9651        0.8714        0.9158           793
      positive        0.3869        0.7162        0.5024            74

To classify a set of citation contexts with default model (2-layers Bidirectional GRU model gru):

> python3 delft/applications/ classify

which will produce some JSON output like this:

    "model": "citations",
    "date": "2018-05-13T16:06:12.995944",
    "software": "DeLFT",
    "classifications": [
            "negative": 0.001178970211185515,
            "text": "One successful strategy [15] computes the set-similarity involving (multi-word) keyphrases about the mentions and the entities, collected from the KG.",
            "neutral": 0.187219500541687,
            "positive": 0.8640883564949036
            "negative": 0.4590276777744293,
            "text": "Unfortunately, fewer than half of the OCs in the DAML02 OC catalog (Dias et al. 2002) are suitable for use with the isochrone-fitting method because of the lack of a prominent main sequence, in addition to an absence of radial velocity and proper-motion data.",
            "neutral": 0.3570767939090729,
            "positive": 0.18021513521671295
            "negative": 0.0726129561662674,
            "text": "However, we found that the pairwise approach LambdaMART [41] achieved the best performance on our datasets among most learning to rank algorithms.",
            "neutral": 0.12469841539859772,
            "positive": 0.8224021196365356
    "runtime": 1.202